Weekly update 9th February
Diary Dates:
19-23 February Half Term holiday
27/28th February Parents’ Evenings – Please book on Arbor
7th March World Book Day
Beaumanor Trip Year 2 Full payment due by 16th February
11th March Rags 2 Riches – clothing collection
Wb 11th March Year 5 Bikeability
18th March Whole School Cricket Day
21st March Easter Church Service 9.45 a.m.
22nd March Last day of term – Easter Holidays begin
9th April 2.50 p.m. Phonics information session for Puffin and Kingfisher parents more information will follow nearer the time.
Mrs Scott
As many of you know, Mrs Scott was due to retire in July last year, but delayed this to be able to teach Puffin Class in Mrs Keast’s absence. The time has arrived for us to finally let her retire and enjoy a very well-deserved rest and plenty of new adventures with her family. I am sure everyone will agree that Mrs Scott has been a huge part of life at Old Dalby for the last 11 years – we have been so lucky to have her as part of our school family for so long. She has been a superhero this year and we are all so grateful to her for staying with the Puffins. She will finally get to relax at the end of this Spring Term, when she officially retires on 20th March. Mrs Hickton will remain as Puffin class teacher until Mrs Keast is ready to re-join them.
A reminder that children should be in school by 9.05 a.m. We are seeing an increasing number of pupils, arriving later than this at the moment. To help with traffic congestion on the main road, the gates will be open at 8.50 a.m. in the morning.
PE change for Puffin class
A reminder that Puffin class will have PE on Monday 12th February next week.
Collecting children
If your child will be collected by someone other than their own parent or guardian, please let school know – even if they are in one of the older classes. We can’t just take a child’s word for it!
Break the Rules day – Friday 16th February. See the poster for rules to be broken
Puffin and Kingfisher Forest School after half term
Weekly Forest School sessions will resume for Puffin and Kingfisher Classes in the week after half term. Puffin class will go every Monday afternoon and Kingfisher Class will go every Wednesday. These days will remain the same until the end of the school year.
Swimming Gala
Well done to all those children that took part, Beth, Bea, Henry, Isaac, Jess, Holly, Charlie and Stan Old Dalby School came 4th out of 15.
School residential trips
This is a reminder to sign up on Arbor for the trip relevant to your child or please let us know if you do not wish for your child to take part.
BEAUMANOR (7th-8th March) Year 2 Payment due 16TH February
CAYTHORPE PGL (15th-17th May) Year 3 and 4 Payment due 26TH April
We have been to PGL at Caythorpe Court a couple of times and have been very impressed by the accommodation and activities. The site is completely secure with meals from a child-friendly menu cooked on site. School staff are present at all times and activities are led by trained instructors. There will be a meeting for parents on Monday 15th April at 3pm for more details.
WHITBY (3rd-7th June) Year 5 and 6 Payment due 17TH May
The children will stay at the Seacliff Hotel where we have stayed many times before. It is 15 minutes to walk into Whitby. The children will visit Whitby Abbey, the Sea Life Centre in Scarborough, go on a boat ride, visit the Captain Cook museum. We will stop at Eden Camp Museum on the way and return via a visit to York. There will be a parents’ meeting on Monday 29th April at 3pm for more details. If there is insufficient support for these residentials, they may not be able to run.
If you have any questions, or are struggling with the cost for these residential trips, please get in touch. Thank you.