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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Welcome to Kingfisher Class!

Hello Everyone,  


Welcome to the Kingfisher class page!

We hope you find some useful information and resources to help you with your learning.



Mrs Alderson and Miss Wilson smiley


Topic Information


Our topic this term is:

                             Summer - How does your garden grow?                                  


Maths: Multiplication and division, fractions,  lace value with numbers to 100.   


English: We will learning about features of non-fiction and writing our own plants report. We will also be looking at how to write instructions for planting a sunflower. Grammar focus- suffixes: -er and prefix: un-


Phonics: Revision of all phases. Phonics Screening check practise. 


Science: In science we will be learning about plants and what they need to survive. 


Art: We will be learning about Claude Monet and creating pictures in the style of his work. 


DT: Cooking a balanced meal. 


History: Understand the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements –George Forrest (Scottish, Victorian Plant Explorer).


Computing: Using technology beyond school. 


R.E: 'What does it mean to belong to a faith community?' & 'What do Christians believe God is like?'


SRE: Healthy eating. 



General Information 


Our PE day is Tuesday (Children to come into school in kit)

                      Thursday is Forest School day

                       (Children to come to school in old clothes, bringing a bag of waterproof clothes and wellies with them)


Reading: Your child will be heard reading in school once a fortnight.

We ask that your child is heard reading 3 times a week or more at home. Every Monday the children can change their books and their partnership books will be checked. Your child will then receive a raffle ticket if they have read 3 times or more which goes into the reading raffle once every half term.


Phonics: Please ensure that your child completes their phonics homework sheet which will be given each week in their phonics folder. These need to be returned on the Monday of the following week. At the back of your child’s partnership book are the common exception words for their year group. Your child can practise reading and writing these at home.


Maths: If children want to practise their numbers skills we have a subscription to Numbots. A login can be found at the front of their partnership book. We will be setting homework linked to Numbots throughout the term. 


Interventions: If your child receives an intervention then this will be recorded in the front of their partnership book. If you would like to see what intervention your child is receiving, please have a look at the ‘Intervention Groups’ page.


ELS: Phase 2 pronunciation

Essential Letters and Sounds or ELS is a synthetic phonics programme for learning to read. In this video you can hear the pronunciation of the phase 2 sounds.

ELS: Phase 3 pronunciation

Essential Letters and Sounds or ELS is a synthetic phonics programme for learning to read. In this video you can hear the pronunciation of the phase 3 sounds.

ELS: Phase 5 pronunciation

Essential Letters and Sounds or ELS is a synthetic phonics programme for learning to read. In this video you can hear the pronunciation of the phase 5 sounds.

Year 1 Common Exception Words
