Relationships and Sex Education Parent Consultation
We have designed our Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum to encompass our Christian Values and character muscles, as we believe these are all intertwined.
This term we have carried out a parent consultation on our Relationship and Sex Education Policy and Curriculum. We used an online form to collect the views of parents. We received 14 responses to our month long consultation. We have now collated the feedback, please see below for the outcomes.
The consultation ran from 15th April until 15th May 2021.
Thank you to everyone who took part.
1. I think RSE education is an important part of the school curriculum.
Strongly agree | 57% |
Agree | 43% |
Neutral | - |
Disagree | - |
Strongly disagree | - |
2. I am happy to talk to my child about growing up, relationships and sex.
Strongly agree | 64% |
Agree | 29% |
Neutral | 7% |
Disagree | - |
Strongly disagree | - |
3. I agree with the content of the RSE curriculum and policy.
Strongly agree | 29% |
Agree | 71% |
Neutral | - |
Disagree | - |
Strongly disagree | - |
4. I am aware of the topics that will be covered by the RSE lessons and objectives at Old Dalby.
Strongly agree | 43% |
Agree | 57% |
Neutral | 0 |
Disagree | 0 |
Strongly disagree | 0 |
5. Are there any changes or additions that you think should be made to our RSE curriculum and policy?
Parent feedback | School response |
Not at the moment | Please do get in touch at a later date if anything arises.
More on mental health and labelling of emotions from EYFS upwards. Provide opportunities for them to put the skills being taught into practise with practical activities, turn taking games etc with adult support | This is part of the overall EYFS curriculum, not specific to RSE. We will make sure that the children have lots of opportunities to apply their skills and we will make sure that this continues as they progress through school. For children who struggle with turn taking and communicating in social situations, there are also intervention groups to support children as they go through school. |
6. Is there anything that we are not covering that you think we need to address?
Parent feedback | School response |
None aware of | Please do get in touch at a later date if anything arises.
I like the way the curriculum is structured around the School’s values. I see the consent of consent in relationships is implicit, which I agree with. Does it need to be explicit in the sex education section? The emotional aspects of Sex Ed are as important as the science. Could this be made clear in the Sex Ed section. It is quite brief. | In the DfE guidance for RSE, it states that sex education is not compulsory but does advise, that if it covered, that we cover puberty, conception and birth. We had focused on the factual elements of these in our planning. The emotional aspects of sex education and sexual relationships will be covered more fully in KS3. From this feedback, we will ensure that consent is covered within discussions in the lessons, it is vital for the children to understand consent in this context. We will also ensure that the emotional side is discussed at an age appropriate level.
Not apparent | Please do get in touch at a later date if anything arises.
I think you are covering the important parts. Parents should also talk about things with and also answer questions too. | We are happy to share or find resources for parents to facilitate discussions at home. |
7. As a parent, would you like more information or guidance about specific topics? What would be the best way to communicate this to you?
Parent feedback | School response |
Through email | We will make sure we send out information to parent email addresses. If there is anything specific you would like extra information about, please ask your class teacher, the office or Mrs Browne
How the information regarding conception and birth of a baby is to be delivered. Also, the intensity of the RSE sessions. Is the information drip fed through various activities on a rolling basis in order for the children to fully understand the concept of each topic or will the topics be delivered in isolation from one another? | Conception, pregnancy and birth are covered using an online resource called “Growing up with Yasmine and Tom”, a resource accredited by the PSHE Association. This will be added to with resources from Espresso, another online learning platform providing high quality resources to support education. The RSE objectives are taught in a variety of ways, some are covered in discreet lessons, others are drip fed in to other subjects, some will also be highlighted in collective worship, depending on age appropriateness. Whenever there is a learning opportunity, we will make the most of it to help the children develop positive relationships with themselves and others. When they reach the lessons about the changes in their own bodies and the sex education lessons, these are taught as discreet lessons. Parents will have advance notice of these lessons being taught.
You state in the policy that pupils also receive stand alone sex education sessions delivered by a trained health professional. I would like to know what the professional will be teaching them and in what context will this be taught?
| Unfortunately, since writing the policy, this has changed and we are now unable to use an outside healthcare professional to deliver any of the RSE content. The policy will be amended to reflect this. |
I think we are well informed through Partnership Books and the school website. During lockdown it was fabulous to see social media being used to promote muscle skills and think this could be utilised more to keep parents aware of what is happening so discussions can be encouraged at home. | We will make sharing more of our character muscles a focus for next academic year. We will share with parents through social media and the newsletter, if this can spark discussions at home, that would be a wonderful addition to the curriculum. |