Did you know that every parent/carer with a child enrolled in Old Dalby School is automatically a member of the Parent and Teacher Association (PTA)?
The PTA is a charity, registered in England, run by a committee of volunteer parents/carers and teachers who give up their time to plan and run a series of events throughout the year to raise funds to support the school.
Our mission is simple – to support the social side of school life while raising funds.
We feel that socialising and celebrating is such an important aspect of school life, and our range of activities reflects this. Our events are for children, parents and the wider community and are great fun!
Each year, we help to fund activities not covered by the government, examples of which are: - school trips, leaver’s presents, seasonal celebrations, visits into school by theatre companies and authors and so much more. Over the last few years, funds we have raised have been used to purchase a mobile sound system, the wall friezes and trophy cabinets in reception and the materials to build the pencil garden and dinosaur gardens. PTA volunteer labour was used to build the gardens.
Our PTA is successful because of the support of parents throughout the school. We rely on you helping, bringing your children along, and of course, contributing to the many fundraising events we organise - hopefully enjoying some of the activities along the way.
You can get involved in various ways – supporting our fundraising initiatives, attending meetings, helping at events, donating or sourcing raffle prizes or offering your professional services; we occasionally need legal/bookkeeping assistance and may be able to take advantage of other professional services if offered! Please see our ‘Old Dalby PTA - Who We Are’ leaflet for further information.
If you would like to be more involved, please contact us here for more information: Contact the PTA.
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