Welcome to the Osprey class page!
Important Information for the Autumn Term 2023
Our topic this term is DIVORCED, BEHEADED, DIED!
Our PE day is: For the 1st half term our PE day will be Thursday afternoon. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on Thursday. Please ensure that all jewellery is removed for PE sessions. Please keep your eyes peeled for upcoming news about swimming.
Homework Reading: CHECKED ON FRIDAY Please ensure your child reads 3 x a week (or more) on different days to qualify for reading raffle tickets. Please sign the partnership book by Friday, as this is the day your child will have them checked by an adult. We will endeavour to change your children’s books regularly, aiming for them to become more independent readers whilst discovering a range of different book types.
Partnership books: CHECKED ON FRIDAY It is an expectation that your child’s partnership book will be brought into school DAILY. Please do not hesitate to use the partnership book to write messages and also look out for comments from school too! Partnership books will no longer gathered in on mass but teachers will check through them at the table with the children on a regular basis. If your child is receiving any additional intervention you can check in with what they are doing and add your own comments.
Spellings: CHECKED ON FRIDAY The weekly spelling section in the partnership book is for children to practise their statutory spellings which are displayed at the FRONT of the book. We will be continuing to provide spelling activities and investigations in school and there won’t be a list with a traditional ‘test’ each week. We will be teaching the children associated spelling ‘conventions’ in school and setting challenges on a fortnightly basis so we can check their progress. We will ask the children to practise words related to these conventions for homework activities in their partnership books so you can help your child practise and see what they have remembered at home – they will be glad to show you how we do it!
Times tables: TESTED ON FRIDAY There will be a weekly test and your child will be expected to practise for this at home through Times Tables Rockstars as well as at school, as we will allow a weekly time slot in school for this. Ask about your child’s progress! Whatever way you feel is best for you to practise is fine as long as you are doing something! X-Factor tests have been introduced to year 3’s and they will continue as we move through the year ready for the times tables screen check they will do next June! X-factor tests comprise of 100 questions in 10 minutes and are a great way to show progress. Who will make it all the way to level 9?
Guitar: HAPPENING EACH FRIDAY Guitar lessons will take place in the classroom and will last for 45 minutes. We will let you know ASAP about guitars being taken home each week on Friday afternoon.
Updates will be posted on the school website, on our Facebook page, twitter and parent-mail.