Weekly update 8th November
Diary Dates:
15 November |
Children in Need – wear pyjamas |
20-27 November |
Scholastic Book Fair in School |
21 November 6pm to 9 pm |
Charity Christmas Fair raising money for Old Dalby School and Rainbows Hospice |
22 November |
Parent ‘Pop In’ - parents can visit book fair |
10th December 10 am and 2 pm |
Nativity |
13 December am |
Flu vaccinations -consent required |
19 December |
Christmas Disco |
Children in Need – 15th November
The Student Council have decided that everyone is welcome to wear pyjamas for Children in Need on Friday 15th November. Instead of cash donations for Children in Need they would like to ask for donations for local families in need to give to Storehouse. Examples of what is needed are: Tinned casseroles, pies, curry, hotdogs, meatballs, peas, carrots, sweetcorn, tomatoes, potatoes, fruit, rice pudding, custard, fish. Pasta and curry sauces. Chocolate biscuits, crisps, coffee sachets and juices. Shampoos, conditioner and deodorant.
Dogs on the playground
Whilst dogs on leads are welcome on the playground, we do have some pupils who have said that they are very nervous around dogs. From next week, if you bring your dog with you, please wait in the corner of the playground near Pre-School so that those who are nervous know where to avoid. We will make sure that class teachers know where to look out for you. If you are collecting from Penguin Class, a staff member will walk the children onto the playground so they can see where you are.
Saturday 16th November – second race in Leicestershire cross-country at Mallory Park
PE – Year 5 Leadership Training
Year 5 – Thursday 14th November – PE kit please
Rags to Riches
If you are having a clear out remember to save any items for our Rags to Riches collection on 27th November and help raise funds for the school. Bags to fill will have been sent home today and can be brought in to school when filled, on the morning of the 27th of November. Please do not bring them in beforehand, as we have nowhere to store them.
We need clean, good quality, reusable clothing. Shoes and footwear, jewellery and accessories, belts and handbags. We cannot accept, toys, books, dirty clothes, pillows, duvets, uniform etc. Thank you.
29th November – School Council Fundraiser for Air Ambulance
Student Councillors would like to arrange a second-hand toy sale at lunch time on 29th November. If you have any toys to donate, please bring them in from Wednesday 27th. Thank you.
FLU Immunisations
If you have not already done so, if you wish for your child to have the flu immunisation (a spray, squirted up each nostril) consent is required via www.leicsandrutlandimms.co.uk The school code is LE140095 If you cannot complete the form online please telephone 0300 300 0007 Without your consent your child will not receive the immunisation.