Weekly Update, 28th October
This week’s headlines:
Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity
We are looking forward to welcoming back an audience for our performance of “Boogie Woogie Nativity”.
Dates and times:
Tuesday, 6th December at 2pm
Wednesday, 7th December at 10am
Details of how to book your tickets will follow in the coming weeks.
Winter Support
I have been approached by some local residents who would like to offer financial support through the winter months to ease the burden on all families, as the cost of living continues to increase. We have agreed three potential ways this could be done, to help us make the best of this offer, please take a moment to answer the survey here:
Any help will be offered to everyone, there will be no need to apply or request it.
Survey responses will be anonymous.
Christmas Holiday Dates
Please note that our last day of term is Wednesday, 21st December which is later than some local schools. The children will return to school on Monday, 9th January.
Melton & Belvoir 2km Challenge
We won! Every child took part in the challenge during their PE lessons in the first half of term. They ran 2km in their first lesson and then spent time in the lessons following this to learn about pace, stamina and running technique. Every child then ran the 2km again and any improvements in their times scored points. The whole school’s results were totalled and we won out of the four schools who took part. Well done, everyone!
Rags to Riches, Old Clothes Collection
On Monday, 14th November we will be collecting old clothes to raise funds for school. Bags will be sent out next week to be brought back in to school on the 14th (please not before!).
Rotary Club – Shoe Box Appeal
Thank you to everyone who donated items for our collection. We have beaten our target of filling 20 boxes – wow!
Christmas Shopping Evening – Thursday, 17th November, doors open at 7pm
Plans are well under way for our festive shopping night. We have some lovely stalls lined up ...silverlincsdesigns jewellery, Flossie & Fred, Body Shop, Happy Bunny Candles, Smartsy Glass to name but a few. Please save the date and bring your friends and family along, entry is free.
Term Time Holidays
We are seeing an increase in the number of days children are missing due to holidays being taken in term time, whether it is a week at a time or a day or two, missing school does have an impact on your child’s learning and progress, as well as having social implications for them. It also sets the wrong example to the children about school attendance.
The law on school attendance states that it is the legal duty of parents that their child attends school every day that it is open, except in a small number of allowable circumstances such as being too ill to attend or with permission given by school in advance of the absence.
Please do make sure that your child attends school every day that they are legally entitled to. Our attendance policy is available on our website and does explain under what circumstances we can legally authorise an absence and the penalties that can be incurred by unauthorised absence.
Late/Absence Procedures | Old Dalby Church of England Primary School (olddalbyschool.org.uk)
Upcoming sports events to look out for on Arbor:
Saturday, 29th October – KS2 Cross Country at Prestwold Hall
Monday, 31st October – Year 3/4 boys football
Wednesday, 9th November – Year 5/6 Dodgeball
Monday, 21st November – Year 5/6 Basketball
Wednesday, 23rd November – Wheelchair Roadshow
Wednesday, 7th December – KS2 Sports Hall Athletics
Unfortunately, a sport trip often results in Class PE days changing – look out for emails with details of swaps. We do know this must be frustrating at times, we do try to keep the disruption down to a minimum.
Dates for the diary
Thursday 17th Nov - Christmas shopping night (school hall) doors open 7pm
Wednesday 30th November – Children’s Christmas fair 2pm start
Tuesday, 6th December – 2pm KS1 Nativity performance
Wednesday, 7th December – 10am KS1 Nativity Performance
Tuesday 20th December - Christmas discos KS1 5.30pm / KS2 6.45pm