Weekly update 26th May
This week’s headlines:
Meal and Club payments
Can we please remind you that before and after school club sessions should be paid for at time of booking, and that meals should be paid for in the week that they are taken. Please ensure that any outstanding balances from this term are settled before we come back.
Sports Day
Congratulations to Willow House who were the winners today.
Summer Fair
Thank you to everyone who supported the Summer Fair this year. We will update you with the amount raised after half term.
A reminder that any monies should be paid to the school office by Tuesday 6th June in the envelope provided or online directly to the company.
Winners - Reading Raffle
Class 1 Lucas
Class 2 Ellie-Mae
Class 3 Oscar
Class 4 Charlotte
Class 5 Grace
PE lessons
Now the weather is warmer, please remember to send your child with a hat and water, particularly when they have PE lessons. Thankyou.
Rags to Riches
We will be collecting old clothes, shoes, jewellery and accessories belts and handbags. We will send collection bags home after half term. Date to bring in to school is Thursday 29th June.
Dates for the diary:
Monday, 29th May – Friday, 2nd June – Half Term
Wednesday, 28th June – KS2 trip to Belvoir Cricket Activity Day
Thursday 29th June – Rags to Riches – clothing collection
Wednesday, 5th July – KS1 trip to Belvoir Cricket Club Activity Day
Wednesday 5th July and Thursday, 6th July – KS2 Performance
Thursday 13th July – last day of term
Have a lovely half term holiday