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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Weekly Update, 25th November

There will be no afterschool club on the last day of term – Wednesday, 21st December.


KS2 Prestwold Hall Cross Country – Saturday, 26th November

This is the last cross country event at Prestwold Hall this year. Please sign up on Arbor to let Mrs Bryan know who to look out for.


Christmas warm up concert – Friday, 2nd December, 6:30pm

We are hosting the village Christmas Warm Up Concert this year. This is great event to start getting in the Christmas spirit. School will be performing as will the Scouts, Old Dalby Singers and members of the Church community.

Children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been practising a variety of Christmas songs in preparation. If you can bring your child along, please sign them up on Arbor. An email with full details was sent on 24th November.

There is no charge for tickets and the PTA will be running a bar after the concert.


Santa Dash – Friday, 9th December

On the afternoon of Friday, 9th December, the whole school is going to take part in a national fun-filled, Christmas orienteering challenge. Santa hats are optional!


Christmas Jumper Day - Friday, 16th December

Non-uniform day, wear festive jumpers and tops if you have them, otherwise, anything comfy!

No charge, it’s just for fun.


Carol Singing at Hunters’ Lodge – 10am, Monday, 19th December

The whole school will be heading up to Hunters’ Lodge to entertain the residents with some Christmas carols and festive songs.


Christmas Church Service – 9:45am, Tuesday, 20th December

We will be going to Church in the morning of 20th December, to celebrate the arrival of Christmas with Rev’d Jamie.

Everyone is welcome to come along and join us


Christmas Dinner - Tuesday, 20th December

We’ll all be enjoying Christmas dinner on Tuesday, 20th December – please see the menu attached. There is no need to book in advance.


Sports Club, 3rd- 6th January

Thank you to those who replied to our survey about a sports club in January. We have had a lot of interest so we will be going ahead with this. Please see the attached information about how to book etc. This is completely independent of school, they will handle all of the booking and queries etc through their own webpage:

An email was sent earlier this week with instructions for how to book a place.


Boogie Woogie Nativity

Performances will be at 2pm on Tuesday, 6th December and 10am on Wednesday, 7th December. Tickets are now available through Arbor, an email was sent on 23rd November with booking instructions.


Please note that our last day of term is Wednesday, 21st December which is later than some local schools. The children will return to school on Monday, 9th January.


Upcoming sports events to look out for on Arbor:


Saturday, 26th November – Prestwold Cross Country

Monday, 28th November – Year 5/6 Basketball

Wednesday, 7th December – KS2 Sports Hall Athletics


Dates for the diary


Friday, 2nd December – Christmas Warm Up Concert, in school, 6:30pm

Tuesday, 6th December – 2pm KS1 Nativity performance

Wednesday, 7th December – 10am KS1 Nativity Performance

Friday, 9th December – Santa Dash in school

Friday, 16th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Monday, 19th December – 10 am Whole school carol singing at Hunters’ Lodge

Tuesday, 20th December – 9:45am Christmas Service in church, everyone welcome

Tuesday, 20th December – Christmas Dinner

Tuesday, 20th December - Christmas discos KS1 5.30pm / KS2 6.45pm

Wednesday, 21st December – Last day of term. NO AFTERSCHOOL CLUB.

