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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Weekly update 24th November 2023

Breakfast Club – Monday 27th November

Please do not use the car park to drop children off for breakfast club on Monday.  The steel work is being delivered for the hall extension and there will be a large delivery lorry and a crane working in the car park.  It will not be safe for drop off.  Please use the turning circle, the small gate will be open from 8.00 a.m.  Thank you

Wednesday 29th November – No Pens Day

Next Wednesday we will be taking part in a national initiative designed to develop children’s speech and language skills – No Pens Day.  All day the children will be developing their language skills and having some fun too!

Christmas Raffle

The PTA Christmas raffle tickets will be on sale from next week.  This year we are looking for your support to help sell tickets so we can raise as much as we can to help fund future trips, outings and activities that benefit the children.

We will be sending home leaflets in school bags and ask that everyone tries to sell as many tickets as they can.  Prizes for most tickets sold!  There will be a prize for KS1 and KS2 for the children that sell the most tickets.  Money collected can either be transferred directly into the PTA bank account (Reference RAF followed by child’s surname plus the number of tickets (e.g. RAFSMITH3) or cash sent back to school in an envelope with your completed forms.  Thank you and good luck!

Children’s Christmas parties (PTA)

To be held in the village hall – Tuesday 19th December KS1 5.30 – 6.30 p.m.  and KS2 6.45 – 7.45 p.m.  Entry to the parties will be FREE this year – we will have music, lights, the usual games, activities and a tuck shop at the event.  A form will come out to sign up and pre order hot dogs if desired.

School cleaner and key holder required from January

School cleaner required on a Tuesday and Thursday term time and during school holidays 2pm to 6.30 p.m.  £11.38per hour. An application form and job description are available on the school website.  Thank you.

Dates for your diary:

4th and 5th December – Morning screenings of EYFS and KS1 Christmas Celebration (Puffin Class, Kingfisher Class and Year 2s from Nightingale Class).

11th December – Cricket day in school for Nightingale, Penguin, Osprey and Hummingbird  PE kit

14th December – Whole school trip to see Beauty and the Beast Pantomime, Melton Theatre

19th December – PTA Christmas parties in the village hall – times to be confirmed.

20th December – Christmas dinner and Christmas Jumper day, Church service.

21st December – Santa Dash –optional Santa hats and tinsel

                            Carol singing in the turning circle at 3.00 p.m.
