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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Weekly update, 23rd September

This week’s headlines:


Harvest – Service and collection

We will be going to Church on Monday, 26th September to celebrate our Harvest service. We will leave as soon after registration as possible, with the service starting around 9:45am. All the classes have prepared something to perform and there will be work displayed in Church.

As is our tradition, we will be having a collection of non-perishable food and sanitary items which we will add to the Church’s collection for The Storehouse in Melton Mowbray. Please send any donations in on Monday.

You are all very welcome to join us for our first Church celebration of the school year.


PE kit

I would like to apologise if there has been some crossed wires about PE kit this week. The whole school have had a verbal reminder about wearing the correct PE kit on their PE days. To clarify, this is:

A plain t-shirt in their house group colour

Black shorts

Plain, dark hoodie and tracksuit trousers

Trainers, these can be any colour as long as they are supportive during exercise

Socks can be white or dark coloured


Children should not be wearing items with large logos, brands or slogans and not football or other team shirts.


The items have all been chosen with the idea that these are relatively easy to source, however if you can not find anything or need support with costs, please do let me know. There is always support available. Any requests will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.


I do appreciate that there will be the odd day when PE kit is still in the wash or there has been a problem, children need not worry about this but simply speak to their teacher and explain the situation.


As you replace kit, please do ensure it follows the guidelines.


Christmas Cards

A quick reminder that if you would like your child’s Christmas card design to be made into cards, all sheets will need to be returned to school no later than Thursday, 29th September.


Parents Evening, 11th and 12th October

Face to face appointments are available to book on Arbor through the Parent and Guardian Consultations option.


Can you help?

The Rotary Club and parents have started the peace garden project at the front of school. We need some pallets to help us build the compost bins. If you are able to help us and donate a pallet, please let the office or Mrs Browne know. Thank you!

We also have a quick job that requires a mini-digger – if anyone would be able to help us with this, we would be very grateful! (The PTA have offered a free cake on Fridays for a month, in return!)


E safety guides

We have become aware of some pupils encountering issues with Roblox, an online game that is very popular. Below is a link to our e-safety page with a parents’ guide to Roblox and other popular online platforms.

E-safety | Old Dalby Church of England Primary School (


Wednesday 5th October - Preloved Clothing and Accessory Sale

Old Dalby Village Hall. Doors open 7.30pm, our PTA will be providing a bar and refreshments. If you would like a rail to sell your unwanted clothes phone Victoria on 07500 011294 - rails are £10. 


Friday 7th October - Old Dalby PTA Race Night

Please come and join us in the school hall for a fun family night out. Book in advance at only £1 per person or £1.50 on the door. All bets £1 each, there will be a bar and refreshments. Hotdogs can be booked in advance. Link to booking form


Rags to Riches, old clothes collection

On Monday, 14th November we will be collecting old clothes to raise funds for school. Bags will be sent out after half term to fill up and bring in on the morning of the collection.


Dates for the diary


Monday, 26th September – Harvest Church Service, 9:45am

Wednesday 5th October - Preloved Clothes Sale Old Dalby Village Hall 7.30pm

Thursday, 6th October – Classes 2 and 3 trip to Twycross Zoo

Friday 7th October - Family Race Night doors open 6.30pm first race 7pm

Thursday 17th Nov - Christmas shopping night (school hall) doors open 7pm

Wednesday 30th November – Children’s Christmas fair 2pm start

Tuesday 20th December - Christmas discos KS1 5.30pm / KS2 6.45pm



