Weekly update, 23rd June
Rags to Riches 29th June
Please help us fundraise by bringing in your old clothes, shoes, jewellery and accessories belts and handbags in the bags sent home. Bags should be brought in by Thursday 29th June. Items should all be in a reusable clean and dry condition. Money is raised by weight, so the more you bring in, the more money we receive. Thank you for your support.
Air Up Water Bottles
We have had a lot of Air Up water bottles coming in to school recently. I know these can be very expensive, please be aware that school can not accept liability for breakages and loss whilst they are at school. Water bottles can very easily be broken or lost in the school day, I would advise against sending in expensive ones.
Summer Raffle
Tickets will be on sale from today, 23rd June until Mon 10th July in the school office or online via:
We are busy collecting prizes at the moment, any donations would be most welcome.
School Uniform
Do you have any good condition uniform that your child has outgrown? We would welcome donations into school by Weds 28th June so that we can hold a preloved uniform sale on Friday 30th June
AGM: Weds 27th Sept 3.30pm, more details to follow.
Belvoir Cricket Trips – KS2, KS1 (including EYFS)
For these trips, please send children in PE kit, plenty to drink and a packed lunch. They will be outside all day.
Please remember to consent on Arbor.
I am happy to be able to say that we have retained our “Good” grade following our visit last month. The report will be available on the Ofsted website from Thursday, 29th June: Old Dalby Church of England Primary School - Open - Find an Inspection Report - Ofsted
Dates for the diary:
Wednesday, 28th June – KS2 trip to Belvoir Cricket Activity Day
Thursday, 29th June – Rags to Riches – clothing collection
Wednesday, 5th July – KS1 trip to Belvoir Cricket Club Activity Day
Wednesday, 5th July and Thursday, 6th July – KS2 Performance
Thursday, 13th July – last day of term, leavers assembly start at 2pm