Weekly Update 22nd September 2023
News update: 22nd September 2023
Parents’ Evenings – October 10th and 11th
These are now available to book on Arbor, please phone the school office.
PTA AGM - Wednesday, 27th September, 3:30pm
Come and find out more about what the PTA do and have been up to. Children are welcome to join after school club for the duration of the meeting. If you are planning to attend, please let the office know so we know how many adults and children to expect.
Cross- Country – Saturday 7th October – Longfield
Please sign up on Arbor for this event.
The event should be completed by 11.30am.
Cross-Country Clinics
In preparation for the cross-country season, Clare Marlow, Melton & Belvoir Schools Cross Country, is running a clinic for children Years 3-9 at Longfield
4-5p.m. £2 per child on Monday 9th, Monday 23rd October and Monday 13th, 27th November. Please contact Mrs Bryan for more details.
Advance Notice – Residential trips this academic year
Beaumanor – 7th and 8th March 24 – Year 2
Caythorpe PGL – 15th – 17th May 24– Years 3 and 4
Whitby – 3rd-7th June 24 – Years 5 and 6
More details and costs for these to follow
Dates for your diary:
5th October – Census Day – Menu is Chicken Nuggets, Cheese Pizza, Curly Fries, Corn on the Cob followed by Chocolate Cake.
Monday 16th October to Friday 20th October – Half term holiday
27th October – Coffee morning for parents and the community. Proceeds to ‘Prevent Breast Cancer’ – more information to follow
17th November – Children in Need
24th November – Flu immunisations - consent required, information in email sent today
Scouts and Beavers
Are you aged between 6 and 8 years old and love a bit of fun and adventure? Come and join the 1st Old Dalby Beaver Scouts on a Tuesday evening at the Scout Hut in Queensway, Old Dalby.
We can guarantee fun, friendship and adventure as well as building confidence and learning new skills.
For more information on how to join and to arrange your first free taster sessions, please email
mrsdisco@hotmail.co.uk or isofrain@aol.com
All sessions are risk assessed and compliant with current government guidelines for COVID-19.