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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Weekly Update 21st June 2024

Diary Dates:

28th June p.m.                    Race for Life – colour run (request for donations below)

1/2 July                                Year 6 transition days Longfield and John Ferneley

5th July                                  Whole school trip to Belton House

8th July                                  Whole school to church at 9.45 a.m. parents are welcome

8th July                                  Class swap afternoon

8th July                                  Summer Disco

9th July                                  Year 6 Leavers trip

10th July                                Last day of term and Year 6 leavers assembly – 2 p.m. start

                                                No after school club on 10th July

Race for Life – 28th June – Colour Run 

This year our Race for Life will be a colour run. In order to purchase the coloured powder, the children will be selling sweets on Monday 24th. Please send your child in with some money to help with this fundraising.

Separate email to follow with sponsorship details and arrangements for next Friday.


The PTA will be selling refreshments and raffle tickets at the Race for Life, so please bring along some cash! Any cake donations will be very greatly appreciated.

PE changes next week

Tuesday 25th June                   Year 5 Sports Leadership Day – PE kit

Tuesday 25th June                   Year 4s PE kit

Wednesday 26th June              Hummingbirds PE kit

Wednesday 26th June              NO OSPREY PE

Friday 28th June – whole school – Race or Life – old clothes – separate email to follow.

Severn Trent Assembly

Thank you to Severn Trent who did a whole school assembly this week. They have asked if we can pass on this survey to find how much information the children have told you about when they got home.   Please go to this link   Parent/guardian survey

PTA Summer Raffle

Last chance to sell raffle tickets (closing date Friday 28th June)

Please try to sell as many tickets as you can to help raise money for the school.  If you are entering the selling competition, please make sure you complete the form with how many you’ve sold.  More tickets are available in the school office. If you are unable to sell any tickets, please return them to the school office ASAP so someone else can have them.  Thank you very much for your support.                                                                                                                                                           

Monday 8th July – SUMMER DISCO!

Free Entry! To be held at school. Hot dogs available to pre-order @£1.50. See QR code on posters outside school, link will be sent out soon. To include tuck shop, glo sticks, glitter tattoos and more! KS1 5:30-6:30pm, KS2 6:45-7:45pm.

