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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

Get in touch

Contact Details

Weekly update 20th September 2024

Diary Dates:

w/b 14th October                    Bikeability - Year 5 – please send in forms ASAP to Mrs Bryan

15th/16th October                    Parents’ Evenings  - now bookable via Arbor

22nd November 2.45 p.m.      Parent ‘Pop In’ - come and see what your child has been doing.     

13th December                       Flu vaccinations – more information to follow


Now the weather is starting to change, please remember to send your child with a coat for breaktimes and lunchtimes.  Thank you


PE changes next week

PUFFINS on Monday in PE kit for last balance bike session (and normal Wednesday PE lesson.

OSPREY – PE on Thursday


Reminder – PE Kit

On PE days the correct PE kit should be worn:  black cycling/sports shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms.  House T Shirt and black top.  Suitable footwear.  Thank you



Swimming starts on 5th November for 5 weeks.

On Tuesdays – Penguin and Osprey

On Wednesdays – Nightingale and Hummingbird

Children should come to school swimming ready in costumes under PE kit.  Goggles can be worn; however, it is the responsibility of the child to keep them safe.   Further information will follow by email.


Post Office in Old Dalby Village Hall


Just a reminder that there are full post office services in the village hall on a Friday morning 9.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.


ASDA Cashpot for schools


Follow the link to register Old Dalby as your chosen school.


Cashpot for schools (


Each time you shop, Asda will donate a percentage of your shop to the school.
