Weekly update 1st March 2024
Diary Dates:
7th March Year 6 to Sky Theatre
11th March Rags 2 Riches – clothing collection
Wb 11th March Year 5 Bikeability
18th March Whole School Cricket Day
21st March Easter Church Service 9.45 a.m.
22nd March Last day of term – Easter Holidays begin
9th April 2.50 p.m. Phonics information session for Puffin and Kingfisher parents more information will follow nearer the time.
Access to school next week
Next week there will be no access through the double gates to the playground, due to building work.
PE Next week
OSPREY – PE on Wednesday – orienteering session ready for the festival on the 12th (Year 5 only). Wellies or shoes appropriate for mud will be required.
Apologies for the changes but we have an external visitor delivering girls football sessions.
Book Week
We will be celebrating World Book Day on 7th March by holding a week of reading and book-themed activities, these will include a surprise guest as well as adults and pupils sharing their favourite books. We will not be dressing up. This week, a set of Book Week Challenges is coming home with every child, this includes a mixture of written, practical and fun activities for the children to have a go at over half term and the following week. Included are two competitions they can choose to take part in – Extreme Reading and turning a vegetable into a book character! Children are then invited to bring any completed challenges in to school at the start of Book Week, to share with their class.
Rags2Riches clothing collection
Your child will have brought home a bag for collection of unwanted clothing, shoes, jewellery, belts and handbags. Collection day is 11th March. Please do not send in bags prior to this, as we have nowhere to store them. They can be dropped at school on 11th March when you bring your child to school. Thank you.
Summer Fair – Sunday 12th May
As the PTA starts preparing for the summer fair, please can we ask for support gathering donations of the following items:
Tombola Prizes – e.g. bottles, biscuits, new/un-used good quality items for both adults and children
Water or wine stall – bottles of wine
Teddy tombola – Any good quality clean soft toys
All of the above can be dropped off at school, ideally after the Easter holidays, but by Friday 3rd May.
We are also looking for donations of plants for our plant stall, so calling any budding gardeners who would be willing to start growing plants in readiness! Plants to be dropped off on Friday 10th May.
Thank you.
Future Dates
Sports Day 14th June p.m.
Race for Life 28th June p.m.