Weekly update 1st December 2023
Cross Country – cancelled for Saturday 2nd December
Swimming swap next week Hummingbird and Nightingale on Tuesday
Osprey and Penguins on Wednesday
Family Service for Advent Sunday
St Mary’s Church, Nether Broughton – Sunday 3rd December at 4.00 p.m. Nether Broughton Village Hall. What is advent all about? Come along to find out more through music, readings, prayer and craft activities. Everyone is welcome, especially families with children. Refreshments will be provided.
Medicines in School
Please remember that in order for us to administer medicine to your child at school the ‘Parental agreement for school to administer medicine’ form must be completed, with clear instructions as to dosage and timings. Please label with your child’s name. Please do not send medicine in without the form – it is available to download on the school website. Thank you.
Book Fair
The takings for our Book Fair this year were £1049.58 which is a record! This has earned the school £524.79 in rewards.
Children in Need
We raised £179.52 for Children in Need – thank you.
Christmas Raffle (PTA)
Tickets for the Christmas Raffle are now on sale and the competition to sell the most tickets has started. Please see the leaflet sent home this week in children’s bags for details about how to sell and buy the tickets. Tickets will also be on sale for the next two Friday’s at the cake sale and the Nativity screenings. Closing date for ticket sales is 15th December. The raffle will be drawn on 20th December.
Children’s Christmas parties (PTA)
You can now book tickets for the PTA children’s Christmas party on 19th December at Old Dalby Village Hall: 5.30 – 6.30 p.m. Reception to Year 2 is 5.30 – 6.30 p.m. Years 3 and above 6.45 to 7.45 p.m. Entry is free but there will be food and drink to buy on the night including our famous PTA hotdogs. You still need to book tickets to attend and to order the hotdogs. You can fill in the form here:
https://forms.office.com/e/nciYgKupi6?origin=lprLink Thank you.
School cleaner and key holder required from January
School cleaner required on a Tuesday and Thursday term time and during school holidays 2pm to 6.30 p.m. £11.38per hour. An application form and job description are available on the school website. Thank you.
Dates for your diary:
4th and 5th December – screenings of EYFS and KS1 Christmas Celebration (Puffin Class, Kingfisher Class and Year 2s from Nightingale Class). Bookable via Arbor – or phone the school office.
14th December – Whole school trip to see Beauty and the Beast Pantomime, Melton Theatre
19th December – PTA Christmas parties in the village hall
20th December – Christmas dinner and Christmas Jumper day, Church service.
21st December – Santa Dash –optional Santa hats and tinsel
Carol singing in the turning circle at 3.00 p.m.