Weekly update 19th April 2024
Diary Dates:
29th April School photos
Parent meeting for Whitby 3.00 p.m.
3rd May Non uniform day – please bring in one (or more!) surprise jars (no nuts or naked food products please) for our surprise jar stand at the summer fair.
Spare clothing please
If you have any old jogging bottoms or shorts that we could keep in school should children need them, they would be appreciated. Thank you.
PE changes this week
Nightingale – PE on Friday 26th (NOT THURSDAY)
After school club on Tuesday 23rd April
Mrs Bryan will be at a netball tournament and so will be unavailable to lead basketball on Tuesday. After school club will run without sport and be general games and creative activities in the hall.
Forest School – Puffins
No Forest School for Puffins during the week starting 13th May.
Phonics – Parents of Puffin and Kingfisher classes
You are invited to a phonics taster morning for Puffin and Kingfisher classes; see the children doing their phonics lesson. Please let us know by email if you are attending.
Parents of children in Birch and Willow Houses – Thursday 2nd May at 9.20 a.m.
Parents of children in Oak and Elm Houses – Thursday 9th May at 9.20 a.m.
School Meals Survey
Our new school meal provider, Coombs, has asked if parents could complete a short survey about school meals. This will only take a couple of minutes – please follow this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OldDalbyParents
Thank you.
Health for kids
The Healthy Together School Nursing team are available for parents who may need support for Primary School aged children with their health and wellbeing.
The telephone number 0300 300 3001 or www.healthforkids.co.uk
Summer Fair – Sunday 12th May – Helpers needed
If any parents, friends, older children e.g. Year 6s or relations are willing to help out at the fair for any period of time from (9am-4pm) on 12th May please can you email us: PTA@olddalbyschool.org.uk
or speak to a PTA member to let us know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much to those who have already sent in donations for the fair. We are still looking for donations of:
Tombola Prizes – e.g. bottles, biscuits, new/un-used good quality items for both adults and children
Water or wine stall – bottles of wine
Teddy tombola – Any good quality, clean, soft toys
All the above can be dropped off at school as soon as you can.
We are also looking for donations of plants for our plant stall Plants to be dropped off on Friday 10th May.
Thank you.
Future Dates
Sports Day 14th June p.m.
Race for Life 28th June p.m.
Wednesday 10th July – Last day of Term