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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

Get in touch

Contact Details

Weekly update 18th October

Diary Dates:

22nd November 2.45 p.m.        Parent ‘Pop In’ - come and see what your child has been doing.       

10th p.m. and 11th a.m. Dec   Nativity

13th December                         Flu vaccinations

19th December                          School Christmas Disco



As it is the end of the half term, please ensure any outstanding balances for school meals or breakfast/after school clubs are paid as soon as possible.  Thank you.


PE changes for the week beginning 28th October

Monday – Hummingbird

Tuesday – Penguin and Kingfisher

Wednesday – Nightingale and Osprey

Thursday - Puffins


Swimming will start from 5th November  to 4th December– days are different to previously advised – this takes the place of the usual PE lesson


Tuesdays – Penguin and Hummingbird

Wednesday – Osprey and Nightingale


After school club sports from 28th October


Crazy golf








Freedom Friday/Film night


29th November – School Council Fundraiser for Air Ambulance

Student Councillors would like arrange a second hand toy sale at lunch time on 29th November.  If you have any toys to donate, please bring them in from Wednesday 27th.  Thank you


FLU Immunisations

If you have not already done so, if you wish for your child to have the flu immunisation (a spray, squirted up each nostril) consent is required via    The school code is LE140095  If you cannot complete the form online please telephone 0300 300 0007   Without your consent your child will not receive the immunisation.


Rags to Riches

If you are having a clear out over the half term, remember to save any items for our Rags to Riches collection on 27th November and help raise funds for the school.  More information and bags to fill to follow.


TESCO - help to raise funds for Forest School If you shop at Tesco in Melton Mowbray (LE13 0NR and LE13 1SQ) we have been accepted as one of the projects that you can vote for when you shop.  You will need to make a purchase and then receive a token which you can use to vote.   The project with the highest number of votes will receive £1500.    Please help to support this good cause and spread the word to friends and family.   Winners will be notified at the end of February 2025.

