Weekly update 17th May 24
Diary Dates:
20th May 2.30 p.m. Open afternoon
24th May PUFFINS – bring a teddy
27th – 31st May Half Term holiday
14th June p.m. Sports Day
28th June p.m. Race for Life
5th July Whole school trip
10th July Last day of term
Summer Fair
A huge thank you to everyone who donated to, helped at, and supported the summer fair. It was a great success and seemed to be enjoyed by everyone who came. The total we have raised for school is estimated to be over £2000!
PE changes next week
MONDAY 20th – Nightingale (NOT Thursday) and Penguins (as normal)
FRIDAY 24th – Nightingale, Penguins, Osprey and Hummingbird – Tag Rugby experience day. Please come in PE kit.
Whole school open afternoon - 20th May at 2.30 p.m.
Come into school from 2.30 onwards to spend time reading with your child and take the opportunity to see what they have been up to in class.
Arrival to school in the morning
Please can you make sure your child is at school on time in the morning. School begins promptly at 9.05 a.m.
Thank you.
Does anybody have any mulch that we could use under the hedges and beech trees at the front of school? Please contact the school office if you can help. Thank you.