Weekly Update, 14th October
This week’s headlines:
Term Time Holidays
I am seeing an increase in the number of days children are missing due to holidays being taken in term time, whether it is a week at a time or a day or two, missing school does have an impact on your child’s learning and progress, as well as having social implications for them. It also sets the wrong example to the children about school attendance.
The law on school attendance states that it is the legal duty of parents that their child attends school every day that it is open, except in a small number of allowable circumstances such as being too ill to attend or with permission given by school in advance of the absence.
Please do make sure that your child attends school every day that they are legally entitled to. Our attendance policy is available on our website and does explain under what circumstances I can legally authorise an absence and the penalties that can be incurred by unauthorised absence.
Late/Absence Procedures | Old Dalby Church of England Primary School (olddalbyschool.org.uk)
Christmas Cards
If your child has designed a Christmas card, they will have already brought a copy and an order form home.
Orders and payment need to be returned by Thursday 27th October at the very latest. Payment can be made in cash, by cheque or through the school shop in Arbor (Please clearly mark your payment as Christmas Card with your child’s name). If you pay on Arbor, please also return the order form to the office but show that payment has been made by Arbor on the form.
Rotary Club – Shoe Box Appeal
This year we are supporting the Rotary Club’s Shoe Box Appeal - Rotary Shoebox Scheme – Sending boxes of gifts to Eastern Europe. We are hoping to fill 20 shoe boxes with gifts and household items, which will then be distributed by the Rotary Club in a variety of Eastern European countries including Ukraine, Romania and Moldova, in communities who are in need of extra support.
If you are able to send in a few items or even fill a box, please send items in to school by Wednesday, 26th October.
Flu Immunisations, 24th October
Information has been sent out this week regarding flu immunisations. These will take place in the afternoon of Monday, 24th October. If you would like your child to be immunised, please make sure you complete the online form BEFORE the day.Go to www.leicsandrutlandimms.co.uk the school code is LE140095.
Upcoming sports events to look out for on Arbor:
Saturday, 29th October – KS2 Cross Country at Prestwold Hall
Monday, 31st October – Year 3/4 boys football
Wednesday, 9th November – Year 5/6 Dodgeball
Monday, 21st November – Year 5/6 Basketball
Wednesday, 23rd November – Wheelchair Roadshow
Wednesday, 7th December – KS2 Sports Hall Athletics
Unfortunately, a sport trip often results in Class PE days changing – look out for emails with details of swaps. We do know this must be frustrating at times, we try to keep the disruption down to a minimum.
Dates for the diary
17th – 24th October – HALF TERM
Monday, 24th October – Flu immunisations
Monday, 14th November - Rags to Riches old clothes collection
Thursday 17th Nov - Christmas shopping night (school hall) doors open 7pm
Wednesday 30th November – Children’s Christmas fair 2pm start
Tuesday 20th December - Christmas discos KS1 5.30pm / KS2 6.45pm
Have a lovely half term and we’ll see you on Monday, 24th October,