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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Weekly update 13th December 2024

Diary Dates:

15th December

Deadline for ordering hot dogs for Christmas Disco - see link below.

16th December

Whole school Santa Dash – Santa hats optional

17th December

a.m. Pantomime performance – Snow White

Puffin class party (No party clothes)

18th December

Kingfisher and Nightingale Party (No party clothes)

19th December

Christmas Church Service at 10.00 a.m. All welcome. Hot drinks and mince pies before the service for parents from 9.30 a.m. onwards.

Christmas Dinner (Turkey roast dinner, or festive lentil loaf. Santa hat brownie, or Christmas tree cookie).

KS2 Party (No party clothes)

Christmas Disco 6-7.30 p.m.

20th December

Christmas Jumper Day/non-uniform and last day of term

Carol singing at Hunter’s Lodge

7th January

School opens for Spring Term

16/17th January

Life Education Bus


Please remember to pay any outstanding debts for school meals or after school clubs before the end of the term. Thank you.


After Flu session – Information for Parents/Carers

If a consent form has been completed and your child missed the vaccine in school today, the NHS will email you about a second opportunity.


If you missed completing a flu consent form but would like your child to receive the vaccine, it can still be arranged.  The consent form will re-open for you to provide your consent using the original link that was sent previously and that was in the News Update last week. The NHS will then email you information about a catch-up session. Thank you.



No Forest School next week


PE next week

No PE next week. Whole school Santa Dash on Monday – Normal uniform and festive hat.


PTA Christmas Disco – Thursday 19th December Free entry and free squash will be available! Lots of activities, and things to buy; Tuck shop, Christmas Nik Naks, Glitter tattoos, Glo Sticks, Nail Varnish and more! Children attending must be booked in via the link below. Please ensure Hot dogs at £2 – are ordered by 9pm this Sunday 15th December. Please use the below link.

Online Safety

The e-safety page of our website contains lots of parents guides for some of the most popular online games and content for children of primary age. With children telling us they are spending more time online due to the dark nights, please do have a look.

E-safety | Old Dalby Church of England Primary School

Poppy Appeal

The school raised, £190.69 from poppy sales. Thank you from the Royal British Legion.
