Weekly update, 10th March
Snow Day – 10th March
My apologies if some of you received the text message about our closure late or twice – Arbor was dealing with high demand for their messaging services.
Comic Relief – Friday, 17th March
Our Prefects have had a meeting and are inviting everyone to wear something red on Red Nose Day.
They will be running red nose games at lunch time and collecting voluntary donations in the morning. The proceeds of that Friday’s cake sale will also be donated to Comic Relief.
We won’t be selling red noses in school this year as they are not advised for children under 7 years of age. Key stage 2 children are welcome to bring them from home to take part in the lunchtime games.
Volunteer readers
Do you have an hour to spare each week? Could you spend an hour listening to children read? If you are willing and able to donate an hour of your time each week, you could make a huge difference to children in our school. Please let Mrs Browne know – rbrowne@olddalbyschool.org.uk, if you can help.
School extension and building plans
Our Significant Change Consultation has now closed to comments. We are compiling the feedback and preparing to make a submission to the Regional Schools Commissioner to gain permission to expand out school capacity from 147 to 210.
Once this has been granted and the planning application passed by Leicestershire County Council (fingers crossed!), we will be undertaking some significant building work. If all goes to plan, this could start as early as the end of May.
When all is completed, we will have 7 classrooms, a much larger hall, a larger staffroom and refurbished classrooms in the existing building. The full proposed plans can be seen on the Leicestershire County Council Planning Portal: Planning portal | Leicestershire County Council (planning-register.co.uk)
The eventual outcome will be that we will move to 7 classes. At the moment, no timings are definite and so we can not make any firm plans for next year or beyond until all permissions are granted and a start date is set in stone.
As soon as we know what is happening, we will let you know!
Missed flu vaccinations
The immunisation team have been in touch to say they are still offering the flu vaccine through selected pharmacies; parents can give their consent using the school code LE140095 via this link: https://www.leicsandrutlandimms.co.uk/Forms/Flu
This offer is open until 12th March.
PE changes until Easter:
Wednesday, 15th March – Class 5 PE
Thursday, 30th March – Class 2 PE
Leicester Cathedral – Be a Chorister For a Day
Leicester Cathedral Choir is holding an exciting day of singing workshops and fun musical activities! ‘Be A Chorister For A Day’ takes place on Saturday, 11 March, at St Anne's Church, Letchworth Road, LE3 6FN, from 10.45am–4.30pm, concluding with a performance by the participants and the Cathedral Choir at 3.30pm! Places are limited, so to avoid disappointment, head to Eventbrite www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/be-a-chorister-for-a-day-with-leicester-cathedral-choir-tickets-551519659147, or phone 0116 261 5369 or email cathedral.music@leicestercofe.org for more information.
Please make sure you are parking safely and legally at drop off and pick up times. We will be having regular visits from our local PCSOs over the coming weeks to assess the parking situation and to look out for any issues which arise from this.
Dates for the diary
Monday, 13th March – Class 4 trip to Rutland Water – please sign up on Arbor
Tuesday, 14th March – Year 5 Orienteering Festival
Thursday 16th- Friday, 17th March – Year 2 residential trip to Beaumanor Hall
Friday, 17th March – Comic Relief
Monday, 27th March – 9:45am Easter Service in Church, everyone welcome
Friday, 31st March – Break the rules day
Change to dinner menu 15th March and 16th March
On Wednesday, 15th March the school dinner options will be:
Jacket potato served with cheese, baked beans and salad, with either a shortbread cookie, fresh fruit or yoghurt as a dessert.
On Thursday, 16th March it will be:
Margherita pizza, ½ jacket potato, baked beans and salad, with either a chocolate crunch cookie, fresh fruit or yoghurt as a dessert.
Friday Cake Sale – Please could you help?
The PTA run the cake sale every Friday but due to other commitments it is becoming more difficult to run the stall every week. Would you be able to help sell cakes from 3.15pm to 3.30pm once in a while? This would not tie you to the PTA in anyway - we just need help to sell the cakes (although you'd be very welcome on the PTA too)! It's a great treat for the kids that we want to keep going. Please email PTA@olddabyschool.org.uk if you can help?
Summer Fair, Sunday, 21st May, 11am – 3pm – Can you help?
This is the big PTA event of the year and we are already planning for this year's extravaganza! We can only run this event with the help of parents and teachers. Would you be able to help on the day to run a stall, set up or clear away? If you can help all day - great, but if that's not possible, we would also appreciate if you can help for an hour or too? If you can help in any way, please email PTA@olddalbyschool.org.uk and we'll be in touch soon!