Weekly update 6th October 2023
Sponsored Matchbox Challenge
The PTA are launching their sponsored matchbox challenge for half term. Children will bring home a matchbox, rules sheet and sponsorship form. We challenge the children to fill their boxes; please read the rules sheet. Once full, itemise the contents on the list sheet and write down the total number of items in the box. Please ask friends and family to sponsor your child, either per item or a set amount of money for filling the box and return to school by Friday 27th October. Children are also encouraged to decorate their matchboxes, leaving the base clear with their names on it. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated matchboxes and also for the highest number of items inside. Thank you.
Community Coffee Morning
Friday 27th October – 10-11 a.m. Parents and members of the local community are invited to join us for a coffee morning to raise funds for Prevent Breast Cancer If you would like to come please let us know office@olddalbyschool.org.uk as spaces are limited. If you are able to donate a cake that would be appreciated. There will be a collection box for donations and a mini raffle.
Swimming – advance notice
Swimming for Nightingale, Penguin, Osprey and Hummingbird will start on 14 November. More information to follow with times and days We will need consent and voluntary contributions; this will be available on Arbor from the middle of next week.
Parents’ Evenings – October 10th and 11th
Available to book on Arbor, please phone the school office if you encounter any problems.
Dates for your diary:
Monday 16th October to Friday 20th October – Half term holiday
27th October – Coffee morning for parents and the community. Proceeds to ‘Prevent Breast Cancer’ – more information to follow
17th November – Children in Need
24th November – Flu immunisations - consent required, information in email sent previously
4th and 5th December – Morning performances of EYFS and KS1 Christmas Celebration at Old Dalby Village Hall(Puffin Class, Kingfisher Class and Year 2s from Nightingale Class). Exact times to be confirmed.