Weekly update, 5th May
This week’s headlines:
Farewell to Mrs Scott
Mrs Scott will be retiring at the end of this school year. Since joining the Old Dalby family in 2013 as teacher in Class 1, Mrs Scott has taken on many roles including SENDCo and Deputy Head – it is hard to imagine what it is going to be like without her. Not only has she been an inspiring and nurturing teacher, she is a source of calm and knowledge for colleagues too, as well as a great friend. There are not enough ways to say how much we will miss her but wish her the very best in her next adventures!
Celebrating the Coronation
We will be celebrating the King’s coronation by wearing red, white and blue on Friday, 12th May.
Please bring in a sweetie jar/surprise jar to donate to the PTA summer fair.
This is also the last day of Year 6 SATs so it will be a double celebration for some! The Prefects are going to be planning the afternoon which will include a visit from Rev’d Jamie with some very special gifts for everyone from the Church. More information will follow, as soon as arrangements have been made.
Summer Fair – Sunday, 21st May
Can you help our PTA?
They need donations of:
Ø Tombola prizes for adults and children
Ø Soft toys and teddies for the teddy tombola
Ø Bottles of wine
Ø Plants for the plant stall
If you are able to help out with donations, please send items into school from the start of next week.
There will be a Perfect Pet Competition, you can submit a 6x4 photo of you pet to the office by Tuesday, 16th May with people voting for their favourite on the day of the fair.
Lynne Marshall will be judging the dog show, categories include Most Handsome Hound, Prettiest Pooch, Musical Sit, Waggiest Tail and Cutest Puppy (under 1 year old). You can enter on-line for £1 in advance or before 11:15am on the day for £1.50. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather!
Sports Day 2023 – Weather permitting!
As we have the building work due to start in late May, we have brought Sports Day forward to Friday, 19th May. If the weather is not favourable or the field is still too wet, we do have Friday, 26th as a back-up. Keep your fingers crossed for no more rain!
Dates for the diary:
Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th May – KS2 SATs
Friday, 12th May – Year 3/4 Girls football tournament
Friday, 12th May – Red, White and Blue day – DATE CHANGED
Tuesday, 16th May – Quicksticks hockey tournament
Thursday 18th May – Census day – menu change to Chicken burger in a bun/Veg burger in a bun, Wedges, Beans Coleslaw, Cookie, Fresh fruit
Friday, 19th May – Sports Day (Provisional date)
Sunday, 21st May – Summer Fair
Monday, 29th May – Friday, 2nd June – Half Term
Wednesday, 28th June – KS2 trip to Belvoir Cricket Activity Day
Wednesday, 5th July – KS1 trip to Belvoir Cricket Club Activity Day
Wednesday 5th July and Thursday, 6th July – KS2 Performance