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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Contact Details

Weekly update 3rd May 2024

Diary Dates:

13th-16th May                     Year 6 SATs

20th May 2.30 p.m.            Open afternoon

5th July                                  Whole school trip

Breakfast Club – Tuesday 7th May

As the hall is in use, Breakfast Club on Tuesday 7th May will be in Kingfisher Class.  Please come to the gate from the car park and staff will be looking out for you.


Whole school open afternoon -  20th May at 2.30 p.m.

Come into school from 2.30 onwards to spend time reading with your child and take the opportunity to see what they have been up to in class.


Forest School – Puffins

No Forest School for Puffins during the week starting 13th May.


Cutest Pet Competition -Summer Fair

Send in a picture – no bigger than A5 of your pet to the school office by 8th May to be included in the Cutest Pet competition.  Please put your name on the back of the photo.  50pence per entry.  Winners will be voted for at the fair.  There will be a prize for the cutest pet.

Summer Fair – Sunday 12th May

If any parents, friends, older children e.g. Year 6s or relations are willing to help out at the fair for any period of time from (9am-4pm) on 12th May please can you email us:

 or speak to a PTA member to let us know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much to those who have already sent in donations for the fair. We are still looking for donations of:

Tombola Prizes – e.g. bottles, biscuits, new/un-used good quality items for both adults and children

Water or wine stall – bottles of wine

Teddy tombola – Any good quality, clean, soft toys

All the above can be dropped off at school as soon as you can.

We are also looking for donations of plants for our plant stall   Plants to be dropped off on Friday 10th May.

Thank you.

Future Dates

Sports Day 14th June p.m.

Race for Life 28th June p.m.

Wednesday 10th July – Last day of Term



