Weekly Update, 3rd February
This week’s headlines:
Mrs F’s Skipping Challenge!
Throughout February, Mrs Fowkes is raising money for Cancer Research by doing 100 skips a day, every day of the month. We are going to join in with her at lunchtimes and aim to get as many children skipping throughout February as possible! If you would like to send in any voluntary donations, we will be adding as much as we can to Mrs F’s total.
Peace Garden
Members of the local Rotary Club will be back gardening for us again on Friday, 10th February, from 2pm in the afternoon. They are helping us to create a peace garden around the raised beds and greenhouse area at the front of school. If you are free to lend a hand, come along and join in – bring your own trowel!
Cross Country, Saturday, 28th January – CONGRATULATIONS!
It was fantastic to have so many children taking part in both the fun run and the competitive events last Saturday. We were so proud of everyone. Watch out on Facebook for the full results, they’ll be posted soon…
Thank you to all the parent, friends and family members who have supported the cross country events this year – we can’t do these without you!
Class 3 PE Changes, 9th February and 13th February
Next week, PE will be on Thursday, 9th not Friday.
Week after, PE will be on Monday, 13th February, not Friday.
I apologise for the ever-changing PE dates, we are working round various events in school!
Class 4 Futsall, 9th February
All children in Class 4 will need to be in PE Kit.
Tuesday, 14th February, Shine Engagement, Cricket Day
The whole school will need to be in PE kit on Tuesday, 14th February. We have some coaches coming in to deliver some cricket taster sessions.
WOW travel badge competition
As part of the WOW Walk to School Challenge, the children are being offered the chance to design a new badge to be handed out to children across the country. The theme is “The British Nature Walk”. The entry form is attached, please return to school by 17th February for a chance to win!
Significant Change Consultation
You may have seen the email that was sent out earlier in the week containing information about the forthcoming changes to the school. Whilst Leicestershire County Council are accepting feedback on the planning application, we are inviting responses to increasing the school capacity from 147 to 210 to enable us to continue to serve our growing community. Full information and links to planning information can be found here: Significant Expansion Consultation | Old Dalby Church of England Primary School (olddalbyschool.org.uk)
Change to dinner menu, 1st March, 15th March, 16th March
On Wednesday, 1st March and Wednesday, 15th March the school dinner options will be:
Jacket potato served with cheese, baked beans and salad, with either a shortbread cookie, fresh fruit or yoghurt as a dessert.
On Thursday, 16th March it will be:
Margherita pizza, ½ jacket potato, baked beans and salad, with either a chocolate crunch cookie, fresh fruit or yoghurt as a dessert.
Helping your child with phonics and reading
Have you ever wondered how to help your child with phonics at home? In school, we use Essential Letters And Sounds to teach phonics. They have launched a new web page filled with support resources for parents, including videos demonstrating how to say each sound:
Essential Letters and Sounds - Oxford Owl
Friday Cake Sale – Please could you help?
The PTA run the cake sale every Friday but due to other commitments it is becoming more difficult to run the stall every week. Would you be able to help sell cakes from 3.15pm to 3.30pm once in a while? This would not tie you to the PTA in anyway - we just need help to sell the cakes (although you'd be very welcome on the PTA too)! It's a great treat for the kids that we want to keep going. Please email PTA@olddabyschool.org.uk if you can help?
Summer Fair, Sunday, 21st May, 11am – 3pm – Can you help?
This is the big PTA event of the year and we are already planning for this year's extravaganza! We can only run this event with the help of parents and teachers. Would you be able to help on the day to run a stall, set up or clear away? If you can help all day - great, but if that's not possible, we would also appreciate if you can help for an hour or too? If you can help in any way, please email PTA@olddalbyschool.org.uk and we'll be in touch soon!
Baby and toddler music group
See the attached flyer for information about a new baby and toddler music group in the village and for information about music lessons outside of school.
Dates for the diary
Monday, 6th February – Year 5/6 Swimming Gala
Thursday, 9th February – Classes 3 and 4 Futsal taster sessions – PE kit required
Tuesday, 14th February – Cricket day in school with Leicestershire County Cricket Club – PE kit required for everyone
HALF TERM, 20th February – 24th February
Thursday, 2nd March – World Book Day (no dressing up required)
Tuesday, 7th March and Wednesday, 8th March – Parents’ evenings
Tuesday, 7th March – Significant Change Open Meeting, 5:30pm-6:30pm