Weekly update, 19th May
Good afternoon,
This week’s headlines:
Ofsted Visit
Thank you to everyone who has offered words of support this week, completed the online survey or spoke with one of the inspectors. Whilst I cannot yet share the outcome (we have to wait for the written report to be published), I can say a huge thank you for your positivity and encouragement – it has been felt by everyone in school this week and shown, yet again, what a wonderful community we are a part of.
The children really did “let their light shine”, they did us all incredibly proud.
Summer Fair – Sunday, 21st May
We’re looking forward to celebrating our Summer Fair this Sunday, keep your fingers crossed for good weather!
Thank you to everyone who has donated prizes, jars, time and everything else needed to make this happen.
Hopefully we will see lots of you there.
Sports Day 2023 – 26th May, weather permitting!
We are feeling very hopeful for next Friday. Events will start at 2pm.
School Photographs
Please return any photograph orders to the School Office by Monday, 5th June.
Building work
Our building work is scheduled to start in half term, so the playground will look very different when we come back after our break. The start and end of the day routines should not be affected, but please be aware that the playground is going to be partially fenced off as building work is underway.
I am not sure yet whether the side gate from the footpath to the cricket field will be accessible, please be aware that this may be closed at some point. We will confirm this as soon as possible.
Dates for the diary:
Sunday, 21st May – Summer Fair
Friday, 26th May – Sports Day, 2pm
Monday, 29th May – Friday, 2nd June – Half Term
Wednesday, 28th June – KS2 trip to Belvoir Cricket Activity Day
Wednesday, 5th July – KS1 trip to Belvoir Cricket Club Activity Day
Wednesday 5th July and Thursday, 6th July – KS2 Performance