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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Weekly update 9th June 2023

This week’s headlines:

Platinum School Games Award

We are so proud to have achieved the Platinum School Games Award. This is the culmination of several years of hard work by staff and pupils and especially the commitment of Mrs Bryan to PE and physical activity within school. Thank you to everyone who has supported us in making this possible – whether you have provided transport, supported at events or encouraged your child to be active!

Expansion Update

The building work has begun and we are currently finalising the plans for next year including classes, staffing etc. As soon as this is all confirmed I’ll be able to let you know exactly how school will be organised for the next academic year.

Exactly which class children are in will be announced, as usual, with the end of year reports which will be out on Friday, 7th July.

We are appealing for any packing boxes that are going begging! If you have any boxes we could use to pack up classrooms, please drop them into reception – we have a lot of rearranging to do!


Film Night – Friday 16th June

Doors open at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start.

Tickets £3 in advance – book here (after 4pm today until 4pm Thursday, 15th June):    or £4 on the night. Ticket price includes popcorn. Breaded chicken chunks can be ordered in advance for £2.50.

Approximate collection time, 8:30pm (time to go to The Crown for drink!)



Children will be using the school field for their breaks, lunchtimes, PE sessions and after school club sports. 

Please ensure that they have footwear suitable for grass, and that they have a hat, suncream applied and a drink, especially on their PE days.  A number of children have told us that they suffer with hayfever. If this is the case can you please make sure they take any necessary medication in the mornings.


After school club sports this term are:

Monday - Volleyball

Tuesday - Athletics

Wednesday - Badminton

Thursday - Rounders

Friday - Football


As children are on the field rather than the playground, staff will not be able to see parents who arrive early for the 4.30 collection. Children will be back in the hall by 4.30. If you arrive earlier and need to collect your child earlier, then please buzz on the gate for the office.


PE days remain the same:

Monday - Class 3

Tuesday - Class 2

Wednesday - Class 1

Thursday - Class 4

Friday - Class 5


We do however have a few changes as we have several sports tournaments and days out this term. These are as follows


w/c 5 June - Class 2 will have PE on Friday

w/c 12 June - Class 5 will have PE on Wednesday

w/c 19 June - Class 3 will have PE on Wednesday

w/c 26 June - Class 1 will have PE on Monday

w/c 3 July - Class 1 will have PE on Monday

w/c 10 July - Class 5 will have PE on Monday


Rags to Riches

We will be collecting old clothes, shoes, jewellery and accessories belts and handbags.   Bags should be coming home today.  Date to bring in to school is Thursday 29th June. 

Dates for the diary:


Wednesday, 28th June – KS2 trip to Belvoir Cricket Activity Day

Thursday, 29th June – Rags to Riches – clothing collection

Wednesday, 5th July – KS1 trip to Belvoir Cricket Club Activity Day

Wednesday, 5th July and Thursday, 6th July – KS2 Performance

Thursday, 13th July – last day of term

