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Old Dalby Church of EnglandPrimary School

Kind hearts, open minds, courageous spirits

Together we will explore life in all its fullness

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Hebrews 10:24

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Weekly Update, 17th March

Good afternoon,


This week’s headlines:


New dinner menu

There will be a new dinner menu in place, as of Monday, 17th April. 


Well done, Year 2!

Congratulations to our year 2s who have successfully completed their residential trip to Beaumanor Hall this week. If you have access to Facebook, there are some fabulous pictures of everyone enjoying themselves. We will post pictures on to the school website next week for everyone to see.


Red Nose Day – thank you!

Thank you to everyone who sent in voluntary donations today, we’ll let you know as soon as we have a final total.


Volunteer readers

Do you have an hour to spare each week? Could you spend an hour listening to children read? If you are willing and able to donate an hour of your time each week, you could make a huge difference to children in our school. Please let Mrs Browne know –, if you can help.


Break the rules day, Friday, 31st March

Our PTA are organising a break the rules day on the last day of term. 50p per rule broken, all proceeds will go towards PTA funds – we are currently end of year trips, every donation will make a difference! 


PE changes until Easter:

Thursday, 30th March – Class 2 PE


Old Dalby, Queensway and Nether Broughton Parish Council

Our local Parish council is looking for new and enthusiastic members. If you would like to get involved or to ask for further details, please contact the Clerk:


Dates for the diary

Thursday, 23rd March - Fire safety talks with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue for Year 1 and Year 5

Monday, 27th March – 9:45am Easter Service in Church, everyone welcome

Friday, 31st March – Break the rules day


Friday Cake Sale – Please could you help?

The PTA run the cake sale every Friday but due to other commitments it is becoming more difficult to run the stall every week. Would you be able to help sell cakes from 3.15pm to 3.30pm once in a while? This would not tie you to the PTA in anyway - we just need help to sell the cakes (although you'd be very welcome on the PTA too)! It's a great treat for the kids that we want to keep going. Please email if you can help?

Summer Fair, Sunday, 21st May, 11am – 3pm – Can you help?

This is the big PTA event of the year and we are already planning for this year's extravaganza! We can only run this event with the help of parents and teachers. Would you be able to help on the day to run a stall, set up or clear away? If you can help all day - great, but if that's not possible, we would also appreciate if you can help for an hour or too? If you can help in any way, please email and we'll be in touch soon!

School extension and building plans

Our Significant Change Consultation has now closed to comments. We are compiling the feedback and preparing to make a submission to the Regional Schools Commissioner to gain permission to expand out school capacity from 147 to 210.


Once this has been granted and the planning application passed by Leicestershire County Council (fingers crossed!), we will be undertaking some significant building work. If all goes to plan, this could start as early as the end of May. 


When all is completed, we will have 7 classrooms, a much larger hall, a larger staffroom and refurbished classrooms in the existing building. The full proposed plans can be seen on the Leicestershire County Council Planning Portal: Planning portal | Leicestershire County Council (


The eventual outcome will be that we will move to 7 classes. At the moment, no timings are definite and so we can not make any firm plans for next year or beyond until all permissions are granted and a start date is set in stone.


As soon as we know what is happening, we will let you know!

